LIMM Resource Library

Land Investing Motivation Mastermind

LIMM Resources

Land Investing Motivation Mastermind

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We share all our knowledge about investing in making sales.

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Exit Strategies

We tell you exactly how to plan the best exit strategy.

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Mental Fortitude

Train your mind to build the habits needed to make it.

LIMM Resources

Welcome, save some time and use the resource guide to jump into the most useful tips and strategies for you!

Join our Monthly Zoom Meeting by clicking the button! We meet on the first Thursday of every month, 7pm eastern time. 


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We share our best tips for marketing your business.

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Due Diligence

Nothing like doing your homework when investing in a property.

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Learn how to get just what you want in a negotiation.

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Business Systems

We dive into the ins and outs of setting up the right systems.

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Tax & Legal

Learn what you need to protect yourself in the industry.

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Team & Leadership

How to consistently encourage and grow your investment team.

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